life should be based on truth not what you want it to be.
5:35 p.m.

the tears don't show anymore. i guess i have cried so many times that they dont need to show.. i already know their there. i wish i could say all this is based on love. but its not. its based on me wanting someone who i dont have to fake it for anymore. but i won't i know this. i base all my relaioships on my image. and how everyoen persevies me. its not that i care that much what others think really. its just im trying to be the person i want to be but am not. you can't make what you want to out of life. you can't do anything if you put your mind to it. its not possible. maybe we shouldlnt base our lives on dreams and wishes and face the fact that life does what he wants to with you. you have no control.. LEARN IT NOW or you waill be hurt. trust me

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