5:44 p.m.

Kev -

You'll be here in a week. I can't even tell you what that feels like for me. It's too confused - fear, and exhilaration, and - god, it's like your presence is a drug. What I wouldn't give for a hit.

So, I will call you Saturday or Friday and give you the lowdown, warn you about my plethora of new roommates and their habits, so you can prepare yourself. Really interesting part is the fact that you're probably gonna have to stay in my room. And that's complex, to say the least. Do I do the nice thing and take the couch in my own house? Do I put you on the couch? Do I dare even suggest that we split my bed?

Talk about a consummation devoutly to be wished...

But, no. I will take the couch and you will have my room, and I will love you from afar until something cracks in me and I get over it and someone who might actually love me back comes into my life. It's inevitable. It's just that patience was never my strong suit.

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