a letter from a whore
4:24 p.m.

you know, it's funny to laugh at those people who think i'm such a whore. those egotistical bastards with their self-righteous halo. I couldn't care less about the, actually.

they don't know the problems I go through. they couldn't imagine that every time they talk to each other about me, i'm fighting other battles, too busy to care about them.

it's sad, though, when i'm in trouble, pain, and fear, all those i've let cry on MY shoulder, suddenly aren't there. one time, one way friends. it's safer not to trust anybody, anyway. they don't know what i worry about. they COULDN'T know, anyway.

i don't think i'd survive if it wasn't for you, honey. funny, it's because of you this happened, so you're my Hell, and my HEAVEN.

but i could never look at YOU, and call you my hell. every problem that's come up, i couldn't care, it's thanks to you that i'm living such a full life.

i love you, you know. i worry day in and day out about you not caring, and then i comfort myself with your words, "Yes, i enjoyed friday" "i'm not kidding, i DO like you" and "this is my girlfriend"

you make me so happy, and there's no way you could tell. i'm glad we're together. all this hell is worth it, you know.

i hope we'll be together long enough to have a meaningful relationship, i really do.

so why do i feel so distant?


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