5:03 a.m.

dear idiot of a friend:

I don't care anymore. I listen to your relationship problems all the time, I call you at all hours, depriving myself of much-needed sleep to make sure you're okay. I try my damned-est to make you feel better. And you know, you're not the only one I have to make feel better. I have seven other friends just like you, in fact they'r eproblems are worse than yours. But I listen to you anyway because you're my 'friend' but when I try to express one thought to you, my happiness at finally getting something I have wanted for the lognest time, something that you know is more important to me than any othe rmaterial thing, and you tell me to "go away because right now I really don't care about your stupid little dream"?

Uh-uh, I'm not taking this from you. Don't hurt other people just because you're hurt you little whiny brat. I think it's time for me to go spend more time with my real friends that need just as much help as you, if not more.

And at least they don't insult my dreams.

Because I could just as easily insult yours and ruin you.

And I will if you don't stop taking me for granted.

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