mommy dearest
12:10 a.m.

Dear Mom,

I'd just like to be able to talk to you. In this crazy, mixed up world it would be nice to know that when things get confusing or strange that i can turn to my mom and she'll help me sort things out without passing judgement on my every move. Maybe I wouldn't make so many mistakes if you would give me your advice before I make them, instead of just condemning me afterwards. I know I haven't always been the perfect daughter, and i know that in a lot of the things you consider important i fall a little short of the mark, but in my heart my whole world revolves around you. All I have ever wanted is for my life to be whole. For my world to both revolve around and INCLUDE you. But it doesn't seem to be in the cards. You will forever be the formidable and whimsical goddess that i see before me, and i will always break before you. My will is not my own.

- Your daughter

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