Love Always
10:40 p.m.

Dear Danny,

I love you.

A lot.

I shouldn't, but I do.

I must have forgotten how I felt about you since I saw you last. But then today everything changed. I would never go home if it meant I could be with you. Home is too far away and there's too much shit floating around that makes me hurt. Much like I hurt now.

I don't know what to say to you to make you know how I feel about you. You're one of the very few people I have ever thought I could be with. Really be with. Not just sorta be with as a back up. Or as a friend for the sake of having a boyfriend. You're different from the rest of them. You aren't a recovering mental patient and you don't have an ex-girlfriend who will beat me up before you go back to her. Sure you have your flaws, but they're stupid things. Like you don't like cats. Or something.

I don't know if this letter is going to help me. It probably won't. I'll probably cry the whole way home. I'll curl up in my seat on the airplane and then in Chicago I'll find a place to curl up there and then the rest of the way too. Because I love you. Nothing else really matters to me.

I'm coming to college out here. I'm going to CCAC and then I'll go and make shoes in London. And maybe someday you'll love me again. Like you used to. Or said you did anyway. But whatever happens, I truly love you. Despite all the crap and the stuff I say I love you. Always.



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