Love her
10:48 a.m.

Dear M,

I am so sorry. I'm so sorry that I'm not what you think I am. I'm so sorry that I'm not what you expect me to be.

Believe me I wish I could be everything for you, and everything to you. But I can't, and my inadeqacies are driving me mad.

I wish I could love you the way I should, the way she does. But I guess I don't have that much love in my heart. Seeing how much she loves you makes me sad, and angry.

Why don't you love her as much as you love me?

I don't deserve you, believe me. I cannot be what you need me to be. Open your heart to her, she needs love as much as you do. And she deserves it as much as you do. No matter how much you refuse to believe it.

I love you, but not enough. Not the way I should...


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