my friend
4:05 p.m.

dear friend,

i never got to say good-bye to you. i wish we could have just one more summer..just one more phone call. you never knew how much you meant to me. i guess you never saw it. Saying "best friends" like its nothing. a few years of being so close to you, being able to tell you everything. Afraid for you. then it happened. then we drifted apart, no longer finished each other's sentences, no longer laughed for hours on the phone. you got a boyfriend, you go into trouble. you went through tough times and didn't let me be there for you..but i don't blame you, friend. your mother died, you father is in jail. you had to move away. i don't blame you for leaving me without a trance to you. i odn't know where you are. i don't even know how you are. you could be dead. i hope you're not. i hope you're happy. i'll always remember you. even if you forget me.

i wish i could send this letter to you..sorry.


your friend

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