I found your number today.
4:55 p.m.

I found your number today.

You probably don't even know I have it, or that your best friend unknowingly shoved it in my face. When she asked me to sign her yearbook at the end of 8th grade, I knew you had already done it. I scanned for your message and got more - your number. I quickly memorized it and later wrote it into a random page on my agenda. I threw it, along with my 8th grade backpack into my closet and didn't bring it out until now.

Now...to call or not to call? Of course not to call. x.X; What would I say? "Hi, we don't talk much but I'm in love with you?" No. I adore you. Even trying to convince myself you're not like that doesn't work - I can't help but love you and I hate this one-sided feeling.

In October, it will be a year I have loved you. I can't believe I still do. You must really be worth it.

Give me a sign that you're at least bisexual, Lauren. I need to know.

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