To my sis...
9:11 p.m.


I know you're confused right now, and I want to say that I love you and I'm here for you. I know more than you'd like me to, I know it was you earlier, and I know you'd be emabrrassed if you knew I knew. Sweetie, I had a feeling the two of you should be together, I asked B about it and she said I was just feeling guilty for having someone. Well, I've thought about that and I don't think it's it. I've just seen you two together recently, and I really think you'd be good for each other. I know you want a guy, and he's great.

Anyway, just want to let you know I love and support you, even though you don't know it. I hope you can talk to me about this stuff soon, even though it's personal, I know, but you're my sister and my best friend and I just want you to be happy.



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