8:06 p.m.

to my friends ... who I'll never admit this to.

I wish sometimes I was a weak person or at least, strong in a different way.

I wish I was less agressive

I wish I was less hateful

I wish I could take advantage of what people tell me is an attractive face. ... but I'm ugly because of the way I feel. The way my anger manifests itself. Chubby people are supposed to be cheerful aren't they.

When I'm cheerful, I feel like a fool. when other people are cheerful, I see it as strength in them. When I'm cheerful, other people see it as weakness. When I'm depressed, other people see it as weakness.

I hate being looked at as weak.

I don't ever want to be weak.

I want someone to have a crush on me for once.

{So I can crush them.} So I can make them happy.

We read The Taming of the Shrew in class this past week. Will I ever find someone to tame me? Will I want to be tamed?

I hate doing what other people tell me to do. Especially people I don't respect. I respect so few people.

I wish I wasn't so proud

I wish I could be happy

I wish I were as thick-skinned as I expect other people to be.


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