in the darkness of sleepless nights your face haunts me
1:56 p.m.

sometimes when i look at you, i think that i would give anything to be your friend. i would sacrafice whatever needs to be, just to be near you in any capacity. that's how i feel, and, though i don't know why, i just can't seem to help myself. you would probably analyze it...or shrug your shoulders and disregard it, and that would hurt, because this feeling in my chest can't be measured or categorized. it just is, and i shouldn't have to justify it to you which is why i am so afraid to tell you. because i am afraid that when i tell you i love you, you might get scared. you might think i am coming on too strong when we are just friends. but i love you. i do, and it doesn't ever have to be anything more than just love. you don't have to love me back. we don't ever have to be anything more than what we are right now. and i don't care if you have a thousand other girlfriends, if that's what makes you happy. i want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. i just need you to know how much i care...and that sometimes when i look at you, i think that i would sacrafice anything to be your friend. even my heart.

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