It's infatuation, it's a game. It's all the pieces of me you won't ever see.
6:25 p.m.


I wish I knew you. Despite this, I know you and I don't fit. I'm a supercilious girls-college girl, and you are a skateboarding tattooed punk who doesn't college. But maybe you're more than your label. I know I am. But I know that you only see the label. I want you to see the nights I listened to Codeseven and my formerly blue-black hair. It's not your fault, no one else seems to look beyond the label either.

I wish you knew I think of you despite our limited time spent together. Do you think of me? I am sure you found a lip-ringed poseur to spend time with. I have not found anyone better than you, and I don't even know your last name. I doubt I ever will.

It's infatuation, it's a game. It's all the pieces of me you won't ever see. And if I never see you again, I promise to remember you fondly. You are my best memory of a boy, and yet I know you must be a memory.

How can just one boy sitting on my lap change my world forever? If we had fucked, I would have something to look back on and let the world understand how I feel for you. No one would be confused about how I feel for you, they would have a basis of reference for this desire. But all I have is the memory of your warm body, holding onto me like you'd never let go.


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