11:58 p.m.


why do you hate me so? what have i done, besides be the unique individual my mother, your daughter, has prided herself on raising me as? can you truly condemn me for being who i am? why did you abandon your daughter when she divorced my father, but take him in as your son? why have you ignored my step-father and his beautiful daughter? why are you so stuck in your ways that you can't see what wonderful people you are keeping out of your life? why did you not attend my high school graduation? why, when your daughter told you about her schooling, did you tell her 'i was never one for eduation'? had you seen her face at that moment, your heart would have broken. she, like any daughter does, wants only your acceptance and motherly pride. can't you give her that?

i don't understand you, but i have never stopped loving you.

have you ever loved me?

--your granddaughter


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