Hoping for hope
5:49 p.m.

Some guy

I wish upon a star and hope maybe one day I'll stumble upon you again. Right now I feel like I've hit rock bottom, that I'll never find anyone, anywhere, ever that'll be right for me.

Yet you were there, a guest appearance on the darkened stage, shed some bit of hope onto my dampened spirits. We smiled, stole looks. I loved seeing your gentle blue eyes. I felt weak in the knees and all I wanted to do was pin you against a wall and kiss your lips.

I never caught your name, who you were.. nobody knew.

I should have said something, should have done something. How come it isn't until later, when a person has reflection that one can realize his/her error... the things that could have made it better, made me not feel so lost.

I'm crumbling into tiny peaces and all I want is to find you. I don't care if you turn me down, I just want to know that I tried, that I didn't run in the face of fear, of rejection, but I did... and that angers me the most.

Maybe one day I'll see you again, but I fear it'll just be too late.

Feeling doomed for loneliness,
Doubtful Girl

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