Tiger Chen, Lolita, Agro.
1:49 p.m.


I wonder if you've thought of me once in the two years since we last saw each other. Probably not, it didn't work out, and you have a tendency to move on fast without looking back. Ordinarily, I'd be able to say the same but we were just too good of a match. If only I'd known the rules we were playing by, things might have ended differently. In any case, I often think that you're the only person who has ever really challenged me, stretched me. It wasn't uncomfortable. You made me want you in ways I've only wanted a handful of people or things.

After all this time, shall I see you again - now that I know where to find you? I'd hide in the crowd and watch you play, watch you being a rockstar. I can't shake the feeling that if I showed, you'd take my presence for something other than what it is. What is it? I can't define it. It's like a thirst, this desire to lay eyes on you again. To let my eyes drink you in. Maybe that's only so I can revel in the inevitable regret, but even so.

The question is, have you thought of me? Do you want to see me? Is it worth the risk?


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