2:17 a.m.


I DON'T UNDERSTAND how we got here. I don't understand why we can't just be happy. I don't understand why loving you has become so painful, but it is. I don't understand why I can't just get up and leave. I don't understand why you say you still want me, but all of you actions seem to prove otherwise. I don't understand why this whole situation, this whole love triangle had to happen with you.

I love you more than anyone or anything. You have affected my life more than anyone has, more than you could ever grasp... and that's another thing I don't understand. I think about you all the time.

I wonder why I did what I did. I wonder what you are doing. But I am too afraid to ask. Are you seeing someone else? Are you lying to me about everything? I haven't seen you for weeks. I have no idea what could be going on while I am away.

I have other potential boys, why can't I say goodbye to you? Why won't you let me out of your grasp? Why do I feel like you hurt me intentionally?

Tell me the truth. What do you feel for me now? Do you still love me? CAN YOU TRUST ME EVER? Have you been seeing someone else? Have you kissed anyone else? What is going on? Just let me know! I'm so afraid to ask. I don't want to hear the answer if it is bad, but I need to know.

Why is it so hard for me to talk to you? Why do I always forget everything I wanted to say to you when I talk to you? I've gotten to know you inside and out and you the same for me, so why now, are we in this gridlock?

You are pushing and pulling me, and I am doing the same. Can we please just stop this and hold each other? Can you just CALL ME BABY and let me burry my head in your arms? Can it just be YOU AND ME, and no one else? Can you answer all my questions without me asking?

Babe, I believe that true love, real love can make it through anything... anything. I believe we have made it this far, we can keep going. Trust me, and I will trust you. Let's fall together into eachother's arms. Please, baby... I love you SO MUCH. God, I don't know when it happened.

Water Runs Dry, Emotion, Don't Ever Fucking Question That, Mesmerize, One in a Million, I Don't Wanna... It's all right there.

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