Why can't you see?
12:37 a.m.

I can't remember when exactly it was that I figured out that you don't love me anymore. You stopped saying it long ago, but for awhile, you still acted like it.

We broke up the first time, and it killed you. Why can't you remember that? I probably should have never gotten back together with you, but the fact is that I did. For those few weeks, you treated me right- you treated me like a princess, actually. Because you knew what it was like to be without me, and you didn't want that.

As the weeks went on, that luster began to fade, and you began to fade with it. I'm sick of waiting for your calls. I'm sick of wondering if you even care about me. Do you even love me anymore? Or are you just in it for the play? I mean, seriously.

I'm so sick of crying for you. So sick of bending to your rules. It has to end, and I know it. But I'm so afraid of being alone. I'm alone with you, I'm alone without you... but I'm more alone without.

I have to do whatI have to do... you have to understand. Yet, I know you won't. And I'm so scared of what will happen. I'm so scared of actually hearing you say you don't care for me anymore.


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