to you, fuckwit
12:28 a.m.

I've been nice.

I've tried to be civil.

I've tried to not be a bitch.

I've tried to "be the better person".

Well you know what, hon? Fuck you. You are scum. You are an asshole. You do not deserve to be treated nicely, you do not deserve to be respected. You are the way you are because you choose to be rude and vulger and believing it's ok to say the lies you said, without any sort of apology. You somehow, think that's ok. Karma, dear. Karma. I do not believe in revenge. I sure of it however, that what comes around eventually goes around - and I can't say I won't find enjoyment when you get what's due to you. Likewise, I can't say I didn't try the nice and courteous route.

I do not know if this is goodbye. It isn't that I don't *want* to or do - it's just that I don't give a shit. You slimeball. You dirty, hairy, gross shitball.

Guess what? You're fat. I'm fat too. The difference is, I'm doing something about it, and for me. The difference is, is that I don't act out with rudeness to make up for being angry at my own self. I have no need to, you see.

So honey? Don't you dare do the same thing to another girl. Because if I see you with someone else, I'm not afraid to interrupt your little private chat and tell her what to expect of your obnoxious arrogant totally unsympathetic self.

Do you feel guilt? For a while, I thought it was partially my fault - what an idiot I was. I won't fall for that again.

But you know what?

Thank you. Really. Thanks.

Because now, I know just how much better I deserve.

And I will not settle ever again.


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