I know where you live.
7:55 p.m.


You messed with my mind, you broke my heart, and you left me in a pathetic little heap of pain. You answered my tearful drunken midnight calls and laughed. You asked around to find out if I was still single - was I having trouble getting over you? Had you hurt me so much that I couldn't trust another boy? Yes. Yes Yes Yes. But I have the most amazing friends, and I am amazing. It took me a long time and a lot of help to realise this, but I am amazing and I did not deserve what you did to me.

So, its your traditional boy meets girl, boy fucks girl up, girl realises own strength and brilliance story. Except for the latest twist. You like my friend.

Now here's the thing. If you really do like him, and you really are serious about this, and its not just another headfuck because its summer and you're bored, then its okay. I can honestly say that I'm over you now, so this isn't about my feelings. This is about my friend. He is a very special person, and he really likes you. If its going to work out, if you're serious about him, then I'm happy for the two of you.

But I swear to you boy, if you hurt him in any way, if you use him or mess him about, if you fuck with his head or play with his heart, I will be coming after you with a pick axe and a screwdriver. I know where you live, boy.

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