away message
10:20 p.m.

Well, I've been writting letters to you at every odd turn of our "relationship" and now it just seems very fitting to do it again.

It's over. So over, and I should've known that forever ago. I kept saying "I feel like I should give him a chance". Little did I know I was probably a faded memory of yours from a night of crandberry juice and vodka. I was just probably that girl you met when you were drunk.

What I don't get is why you lead me on for so long. I mean, if you are out getting other girls and stuff why didn't you just stop with the lines and the buttering me up? God, just out of respect, it would've been nice to know.

But it didn't happen that way. I bit every time you threw out a line, I trailed along.

I feel like a fool, I'm so upset with myself which is what's making this even harder. Not only that, but I'm sadly very lonely, so that always makes let downs from boys even worse.

I hope she makes you very happy. She isn't half of what I am, I assure you, and I think this is the only time I've ever been this sure of myself.

I was tired of waiting, and you came along and I become tired once again.

I should've realized you weren't worth it long ago.

We all make mistakes.

You were mine.


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