Thankless hero
6:48 p.m.


Do I have no heart? My emotions rage but I don't act. It's beyond self-control, it's self-repression. Yet I am happy just the way the situation is going. If not happy at least content. Is this what happens when we grow up, we can recognize our emotions and pretend they don't exist with amazing ease and little discontentment? Or am I just heartless? Am I thinking about myself, or everyone else? Who am I helping here? Who am I saving from what?

Underneath it all I just want to be a hero, save the world. The kind of hero in books that saves the world and countless lives, yet no one ever knew the world was in danger. The thankless hero.

But I think I'm figuring that the thankless hero gets their very own book, and everyone realizes what he did for the world. He gets his thanks. An unrealistic depiction of the sad truth, that the thankless hero is truly thankless.

Do you know what I'm doing for you? Do you realize I'm repressing my emotions for you? I could stop, and no one would know the difference. But I'll keep lying, for you, to you, to me...whats the difference. No one sees what I do anyhow. I'll keep it up.

Because that's just how much I love you.


The thankless hero

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