Reminder to myself when I need it
9:31 a.m.

This is the first time in a very long time (if not my entire post-pubescent life) that I have had time to think and not thought about any one boy/guy/man in particular. Not sat outside on my parents' deck smoking cigarettes and longing for the phone to ring or an e-mail to read saying, "I love you. I miss you. Come home."

For so long I have had this very fairy tale, Hollywood image of how my life SHOULD be. I feel like I am finally living me life like I want to live it. I don't want to be married or in a couple in the traditional sense. I have so many things I want to do. But whenever I watch those cheesy lovey-dovey movies I get all depressed that I don't have that.

Duh. No one has that.

There's shit to clean up, bills to pay, family to deal with, friends who are crazy, your job, your hobbies, your life and if you find someone you can share all that with that doesn't drive you crazier than you already are--then that person's a keeper.

The rest of them can fuck of because I don't have time for boys/guys/men who don't call back, flowers never sent, dinners never made, and promises broken.

I don't have time to obsess over something I don't even want.

Thank the goddess that "phase" is over.

And maybe I'll never get married. And maybe I'll never have babies.

And maybe, really, I'm okay with that.


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