12:42 a.m.


You've broken something in me. Tonight you hurt me in ways that no one and nothing else ever has. Perhaps you'll think that's a touch dramatic but it's true nonetheless. There are parts of me that are fragile and you've cracked some, broken others. And I'd never allowed myself to be vulnerable in that way, dammit. To live on how I thought someone felt about me or how they saw me. At least now I know what you prefer to me. It may not be a flesh and blood woman but it's there standing firmly between us.

Because I saw you tonight. With my own two eyes, and it cut to the heart of my insecurities. I'm sitting here, breathless with an ache somewhere in my chest while you're snoring in our bed. Your bed. But I can't talk to you about it. You asked what was wrong and I can't tell you. It hurts me too much. But if I don't, it's going to tear us apart.

I love you. Why can't I mean to you what you mean to me?


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