library poetry
11:00 p.m.


you make me feel like i can make it through these next two years when things really get tough. how i knew that i risked seeing you at the library when i felt especially ugly and reserved. and how you did come though i hoped you would not. and winked at me between the books on the otherside of the shelf. you managed to find me, though you didn't know i was there [and i didn't know you were there either] and how you winked at me through those dusty old volumes but did not say hello. and it made me incredibly happy when you took me to that place and then drove me home--which made them terribly upset. but somehow braving their interrogation was worth it. i hope you continue to see me because now that i've finally become accustomed being visible i don't think i could bear to have it any other way. i'm your snow white. you if you never come for me, i'll fall asleep for years; still somewhat happy in my reminiscing coma.

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