my best friend
12:33 p.m.


you were my best friend. what happened?

we drifted apart. you became better friends with them...and i became better friends with the others.

or so i thought.

what happened?

we used to tllk to each other. laugh with {and at} each other. go to each other's houses each and everyday. go to the mall together, go ANYWHERE together.

now its just gone.

you were my best friend.

we knew everything about each other. or did we?

did we know when we started drifting apart? than one pinpoint in time when our lives changed to the extent that we couldnt even talk to eah other in the same way we always did?

you expect me to mend our friendship.

'it's your call'

you said to me. why is it MY call? why couldnt it be your call? its like its my fault. my fault you started hanging out with them more. my fault i started knowing nothing about you. my fault that you al of a sudden turned on me, saying poisonous words behind my back with them.

sure we apologized. to each other. but does that realy do anything?

are you really trying? are you really trying to bring it all back? the ate night phone calls, the laug h fests we had over nothing, the companionable silence, the singing and dancing stupidly on the streets, the walks, the tears?

am i really trying?

you were my best friend.

i miss you

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