8:31 p.m.

Well well well. Today was an absolutely awesome day. Never ina million years would I even dream of doing today what I did. It all seems a bit sureal, but at the same time I can't believe my luck. I spent the entire afternoon taking pictures, which isn't all that exciting. The exciting part of the whole thing is.... I was taking pictures of the Calgary Stampeders during a CFL game, from the sidelines not the stands with all the big boys of the photo buisiness. We're talking guys from all the major daily newspapers, one guy who has freelanced for Sports Illustrated, as well as some of the old pro videographers for the CBC and TSN. I was in heaven!!!! And to top it all off, i was actually shooting for the Stampeders. They are looking to use my work for ads, brochures, magazines, possibly even to sell to a third party buyer. And the best part. My name is credited on anything they use, which means boo-ya! my foot is officially in the door. If all goes well I might even be able to come down for another game or two. Ya my job rocks!


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