nicest friend
11:51 p.m.


I'm putting this here because I know you'll read it and so will many others. So maybe in a small way the whole world will know.

Halie, I don't think anyone that's your real friend thinks of you as a bitch or a slut, I know I sure don't. I think that you're changing, yes, but not into anything bad, but rather a person who is striving for happiness in a world rolling nothing but punches. I know that you are the nicest friend I have, always waiting hand and foot to other people's needs and wants, not wanting anyone to feel left out, sad, or unwanted. Now you're wanting happiness for yourself, and anyone can understand that, and if you are just happening to find happiness in the arms of a boy that someone didn't like, then oh well. Although a weird term to use in this situation "another person's garabage is someone elses treasure"... well something along those lines (does it really matter if I'm accurate with a horrible phrase like that in speaking in terms of your boy).

Don't try to contain yourself into the bounds of a word, you are boundless, and be anything and everything you want to be not just a "computer nerd" or a "altruist" or any other word that keeps you in... you're Halie... and Halie can be anything. You are anything you want yourself to be.. and if you want to be happy with this boy, don't worry about your so called friend who'd rather have her happiness over yours. You, someone who deserves happiness. It's not your fault she can't move on, that she believes the world starts and stops at her command, don't let her get you down, just know you have friends like jackie and myself rooting you on. Okay. Feel better dear. Stop worrying about other people think. *hugs*

Love you Halie,

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