8:07 a.m.

Dearest Elenor -scoff-.

*Ahem* It's fine for you to accuse me of being scared to meet with you without Marilyn. And it's fine for you to accuse me of always cancelling our 'meetings' to discuss this 'problem' you say we have. However, don't be a hypocrite. I came around yesterday and told Marilyn that it *had* to happen yesterday but you skipped out and went back to your class. If you expect me to have a meeting with you, and you expect me to make sacrifices (because this semestre was designed to be hard classes), then I'm allowed to expect you to make a few sacrifices aren't I?

That's enough. If you can't make a sacrifice to meet with me but I am supposed to, then there will be no meeting. Obviously it's not that important to you, and I don't find a problem anyways.

You wanted to know why I act like nothing happened - well, I told you when I 'broke it off' with you that we weren't to be enemies, but acquaintances, and there's no reason we shouldn't talk, right? When you start telling people things about me and taking my words out of context and then BLAME ME for you doing that because I "have to be more clear when I'm communicating with someone"... that's when things should have stopped. Obviously there will be no stop now, because I'm not going to meet with you.

You just kissed a broken friendship goodbye. I can sincerely say thank you for leaving me alone now.



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