Cliche is only one word in the library dictionary
8:42 p.m.

To run away with you is what I wanted once upon a time. Where-ever you said, I would have gone. Practical me, always thinking of the boring stuff but still I like to think that maybe I could have went. Maybe I would have thrown away my job and school to run away with you. After all, you too would have been leaving school.

Sometimes I read these letters and wonder, Is this one from him? Did he write this message to me? Mostly I find clues that it wasn't you, but sometimes, like this time I think it is.

As for 'me', I am not static, unchanging. You can say you are and maybe it's true. But for me, no, as I change so do my perceptions of people. I'm thinking you have reverted to that persona you have, the untouchable one, the distant one. At least that's the one I see on the outside. You say I've changed and that could be true, prolly is cause I know I don't have a 'me'. I have 'now' and 'before' and sometimes think about 'later'.

I am malleable, a chameleon, a smokey mirror image of life around me and I don't know how to change that. That's as close to a 'me' as there is. What you saw as 'me' was a slightly distorted version of yourself.

Life, lust, love...I have felt them all and the only one I've ever hated was the first one. Even that is good sometimes.

Smile. Someone is thinking of 'you'.

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