A request to the ones I haven't met yet
2:11 a.m.

To Whom It May Concern:

I don't think I have met you yet, but when I do, I hope I know who you are. I need to ask you this favor, sweet unknown. I want to ask you not to break me any more than I already have been. I have gone through a lot in my short life, and I have grown into a more mature human being than many adults (and most 18 year olds) that I know. I am young, yes. I am still naive, innocent, clinging to seemingly childish and outdated morals. But I'm asking you to let that be. To love the fact that I want to cling to my childishness a little longer, since I have grown so old in my mind.

I have become bitter, distrustful, and nervous. But I have such a capacity to love! Such a need to help, and comfort, and give with everything I have! I want to hold you close to me, tell you how much I love you, tell you that it will last forever, and mean it. I want to find a fairy tale ending that is, perhaps, not magical and sometimes even painful, but none the less satisfying when all is said and done. I ask you to come soon, but not too soon. I hope that I meet not only one, but a few of you, perfect matches to my soul. I hope I will love every one of you with all my heart. I ask you to give me honesty. I want to be able to trust and hope. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Please lead me from the darkness that has shadowed my previously sunny life.

And to the boy whom I think I know-- Please don't fool me into thinking you are something you aren't. I want to find you and know you immediately. I want, insanely, I want to love you. I don't know if this will be the case. I don't know if you are the One. I don't know if I'll remember you in a year. But I don't want to lose you. Even if we don't fall in love, I hope I can experience lying in your arms watching that movie that we both like so much. I've never seen you, never touched you-- but somehow I know that I'll feel safe and calm, no matter what.

Thank you.

Love from your Konstantine (i wish).

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