Underling rant
9:42 a.m.

Dear supervisor,

I used to work evenings with you and it was too much time. Now I only work early evenings and leave you with a worker you don't like as much as me.

Part of the reason I changed hours is the way you make me feel. You come in almost everyday in a bad mood complaining about your boyfriend. I am sensitive to moods and yours bring me down. I don't like working even the few hours I work with you because of this. I have enough low moods by myself and don't need yours as well. If you get upset with him all the time then maybe something needs to change. I know it's hard to keep personal and work lives seperate but you should try a bit harder.

Another part of the reason I don't like working with you is: You don't inspire me to work. In fact, I resent working when you ask me to do something. The other supervisor is constantly busy and I can see she has alot to do and does alot and I feel more guilty sitting around when she is working, even if I've finished my work already. You, on the other hand, don't seem to have many responsibilities. Only 2 that I see and I'm sure I could learn them pretty quickly. In fact, I know most of one already. You don't do much at all except find things for me to do. And when your boss gives you something to do, you either volunteer me or another worker for the job or pass it down directly. Delegation, I'm sure, is part of your job description but you delegate 95% of the work. Simple things too, that you could do in less time than it takes to write me a note. You seem worried that your boss will look at me sitting (after I've gotten my work done) and it will reflect badly on you because I'm on the computer. Well sure you always look busy. Mostly you call your boyfriend and sometimes your daughter, send emails to him, work on things un-job related and hide in your corner where you don't have to help the public. While us tiny workers do our job and help the public as well as help you get over 3$/hour more than we do for sitting around and delegating.

If pay was based on the amount of work done you would be the one making minimum wage and I might be able to move out on my own.

Then there is the multiple times you call in sick or go home early. You might as well be on the chronic list. It seems one or the other happens once a week. People are constantly having to cover for you. The whole reason for your position doesn't seem to be work but supervising(since your boss doesn't notice/care that you don't work). To supervise you need to be there. If you aren't going to be there then you should be replaced or your job should be seen as useless(since we all seem to do ok without you and your 2 responsibilities could easily be handled by someone else)

I hope that someday I will fall into a cushy job like yours. Hopefully though, I will actually work and my underlings will respect me.

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