Teenage 'love'
12:50 p.m.

Dear Guy,

I know, dumb reason to pour heart into letter. You live about 4000 miles away from me and we dated for about 26 hours, but you hurt me.

I was happy to just be friends with you. Sure, you're a bit of a loser at times, but you were sweet other times and I liked talking to you. I thought you liked talking to me too.

I talked to your sister about a week ago, she told me you were lying about all the badass stuff you claimed you did to 'impress' me, since 'all' of the girls in your town like badass guys. I would have been happy to talk to you about it, you know that? Happy to figure out why you need to lie to people so much just to get attention from girls. You hurt me so much that day though. You'd have been hurt too, if I'd told you I never really liked you anyway.

I know I'm not Chelsey. I'm glad I'm not Chelsey, she seems dumb enough to believe whatever crap you're feeding her enough to want to sleep over at your house which, by the way, I think is a really dumb idea. So what if I like to stand up for myself and don't enjoy your 'compliments' about how I look when you didn't even know, and your suggestions about how I would look better if I did whatever. I am me, if you don't like it fine, don't try to change me. And if you can't deal with me the way I am, tell me. Nicely.

But I guess you're just not big enough for that.

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