Thank You
10:06 p.m.

Sometimes I watch you while you sleep. Laely, I have been doing that a lot. You never cease to amaze me--you teach me even in your sleep.

I look back on our days together and realize that I can be mean sometimes. My humor does not come off as such sometimes. I can be so lazy. I can be selfish. And while I recognize these things in myself, I can't really pin point a time when I can complain that you were any of these. You give so selflessly to me. Sure, there are some things that you need to learn, but that will come with time.

As you breathe in and out, I run my finger over your belly, watching it being lifted and set down. You have done so much for me in such a short time. You taught me to trust and love again. Something that is not a small feat. You helped me be more open about my feelings and taught me how to care for another. You let me be myself and never complain. I love you so much...

Sweet dreams always.

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