Your mistake
7:48 p.m.

When are you going to realize that you're just screwing things up between us? Everything was fine when we were just friends. I was even starting to think that I might be able to like you someday. But not anymore. Not now that you're acting completely ridiculous. I don't know what you think you're accomplishing...but I hope you figure out that I do NOT like you and you're doing nothing but turning me off by being like this. I'm starting to distance myself from you and act indifferent towards you - and I hate that, but I can't stand the way you are right now.

I can read you like a fucking BOOK, and let me tell you, it's not a pleasant book to read. It is so blatantly obvious that you like me, and it disgusts me. I can't think of you that way. I just can't. I seriously feel sick when I even imagine what it would be like to be with you. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is right now.

I can't stand the way you look at me with that worried, nervous, uncertain look. I can't stand being around you now, because I know that you're looking me in that way, and it's just wrong.

Please just stop, things were fine the way they were. You don't need to go and start liking me and making it so grossly obvious. You're not going to make me like you, you're only going to make me dislike you. You're just messing things up for yourself in the long run. Open your eyes before it's too late.

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