my dove
10:43 p.m.

dear you,

how do i say this...i want you badly. do you know this? do you feel this way too? sometimes your actions and statements lead me to believe that you are interested. i just enjoy your hugs and smiles so much, i want more! as i layed in your lap the other day, my head resting on your chest, i was at peace. and we were having a grand ol time, giggling away and being our silly selves...and then you began to lightly kiss my neck...why, i do not know...maybe you thought it would weird me out, or maybe you were trying to tickle me and make me squirm, or maybe, just maybe you just had the sudden urge to kiss me on the neck. well, it sent a tingle down my spine, and i just kind of laid there not knowing how to respond, i wanted so much to kiss you back. and later on i found another way to be close to you. i acted my goofy self and i was leaning over your shoulder, standing over you as you sat in the chair. you looked up at me and i placed my forehead against yours and looked into your eyes...of course i wanted to just look into those beautiful hazel eyes, but i played it as if i was being silly and said "i SEE you!" and yet, it seemed that your eyes responded to my gaze. i dunno, maybe i'm just hallucinating and tricking myself into believing these things. i just want to know, do you feel this way about me? is there a possiblity that there could be something more than friendship? but, i can never ask you this, because if you feel uncomfortable with these questions and you do not feel the same way, our friendship would be ruined, and my life would be hell without your presence, and i cannot risk this. and so i write this letter to you that will never be sent.

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