Are you?
7:50 p.m.

Dear M,

I never believed in love at first sight. I never believed in any of that romantic bullshit, never once really thought it was an actual possibility. I filed that away with romantic crap they brainwash little girls with so they'll go happy into the semi-slavery of marriage.

But when you walked into that cafe, with your dopey grin and giant biceps, and when you talked about music with such passion, and when you related that pretentious people were your biggest pet peeve, and when you laughed with was almost like all that stupid stuff they talk about in movies.

And now I find myself wishing very much that i was with you all the time. Things are just better, in a way I can't quite explain, when you're around. I feel more myself, and I feel more alive, and I just plain feel more. I don't exactly know what it is I want, except maybe to explore the wilderness of our hearts with you.

I find my mouth watering at the thought of your mouth. I find myself shaking with the strain of holding my hand back from touching you. I find my eyes ever leading me to you.

And I wish I could read your mind, and know that I am not alone in this, that you feel something like I do....that the flutter in my belly has company in yours. But one of us will have to speak for either to know. And I am no good at speaking.

Are you?



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