I'm Bi. How are you?
12:35 p.m.

Dear D.H.,

I have a crush on Sarah. Yes, she's female. And yes, don't think you're crazy; I'm female, too. I never told you this, but I'm bisexual. And that is why I think we should break up. [Not forever!] I do love you. It's so stupid and silly I know; but I really want to hang-out [and possibly kiss] her, just to know if there's more there than I think. And maybe if you feel like being totally cool, you'd let me!? You're not into the 'gay' thing, as you say, and that is why I could never tell you I like girls. But I do. And I wish you knew I did. Not because it would affect us at all, but because I want you to know all of me. And love me just the same.

It's a scary thought knowing that if I ever told you I was bisexual, you'd dump me, because I know you would. But I am. I like girls. I like guys. I love you. I like Sarah. So there--I've said it. You get so mad at me over every little thing. You say it's just because you're selfish with me. That my beauty scares you. But I'm bisexual. I just am. Can you still love me? Am I still the same person in your eyes?

Now, anyway, how was your day?

Always My Love -- Me!


Dear Sarah,

I like you. Can I kiss you?

-- Me!

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