Mike 2 :)
4:23 p.m.


I'm going crazy because I am having all these insane dreams about kissing you. I think about it all the time. Just to know what it would be like. I just want...to feel your lips against mine and to have your arms around me. To have my head tilted up to you, and then to be able to look into your eyes and know that we were both happy that it happened. Could I kiss you? Just once? No, I can't. I can't because I don't fit your idealization of what you want, and I could never be what you wanted. I don't want to change myself to make you like me, that's not who I am. But oh how I wish you would step out of that frame of my mind and look at the wonderful things around you that are waiting for you, and wanting you, that you don't even realize. Just because I don't fit the picture doesn't mean you should ignore the feelings you know that I have for you. I haven't told you, but you said it yourself, these things don't need to be spelled out, you just know. I know you know, you just don't want to accept it. Please do, I need you to. If you want to be happy bad enough, you will at least try. Please try. All I want is for you to try.


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