falling asleep with you
9:39 p.m.

Today was my life as directed by David Lynch. All the essential pieces were there but somehow it didn't make sense, and through my confusion I couldn't quite grasp what it was that didn't make sense or why things were so different today, despite being so similar. (Actually, it was too little sleep and food, too many painkillers. But lets play the David Lynch line and pretend we never worked that out)

Through the gentle haze pierced this suddenly familiar ache - an ache I remember from feelings long ago disgarded, an ache I have not felt for some time. An ache for the presence of one person. To fall asleep, not here, but in their presence, inside a feeling of security, with their gentle fingers stroking my hair and their whispers in my ear - everything will be alright, everything will be fine. So whatever else I want, and I can only hope you'll keep forgiving me for being so unsure, I want to fall asleep in your arms.

Is that an awful lot to ask?

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