1:27 a.m.

I don't know what you would think if you knew the truth. If you knew that I shopped around for the first 6 months we were together, looking for a better deal. I didn't find one, so I figured maybe you were it. Boy, was I right. I can't believe I wasted those six months by not being as devoted to you as I should have been.

But even now, when that voice in my head tells me I should still be looking, I have to fight it. Every time another guy hits on me, I have to remind myself how good you really are to me. Will it always be this way? I wonder. I don't want it to be. I want you, and only you.

You remind me daily by your actions how lucky I am to have you. I know I don't deserve you, even though you think just the opposite. I hope this lasts forever. It seems surreal now, even as our two year anniversary rapidly approaches. I'll never be able to repay you for what you have done for me. I love you.

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