this house is clean now
2:28 p.m.


i've scrubbed. i've swept. i've mopped. i've dusted, and i have sifted through the debris of the past few months and discarded everything that means nothing now. this house is clean. there's room to breathe again. we can start things over in a different direction because now there's nothing here left to remind us of the things that we did wrong. there are no more cobwebs, no more bathtub rings, no more dirty dishes, no more dust bunnies hopping around under the bed. we are free. there's just me now, and you, in this newly sterile situation, and i guess whatever mess we make we can worry about later when we're up to our necks in the filth that life piles up. this is kind of like starting over. starting fresh. erasing the past. it feels good in a way, doesn't it?


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