Last Will and Testament
10:46 p.m.

I, KSM, hereby will my broken heart and all of it's shattered pieces to DRB, as he was the one who tore it apart. I can only pray that one day he will know how it feels when it hurts too much to breathe. I pray that he will think of me every moment in his desperation and know that I could've saved him from it. I pray that he will one day see me surrounded by love and know that it could've been him, but it will never be again. I pray that he knows now that I am the only one who would've loved him until the very end. I will him every moment of agony that he has caused me, multiplied by five, due to his ruthless concern for my well-being. I pray that every time he looks at me in the hallway, that he now be oblivious to the fact that I will never again return that look of longing.

It is among my wishes that he knows his eyes will no longer be the last thing I see in my heart before sleep overcomes me. I also wish him to know that neary a tear will fall from my own eyes while his last kiss plays over and over in my memory. I have cried an ocean and my heart is drowned. I will him the pleasure of drying it up, only not reaping the rewards. He will never again know the feeling of my touch on his face.

These are my last wishes and I pray that they are carried out dutifully. My time has come, as my heart is gone. I can no longer feel. One who can not feel, can not begin to live...


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