blindness cured
4:08 p.m.

hey anon readers, i've been living in th dark. i just woke up, and i feel so fresh and so clean.

being blind is kind of deciving, because you think it makes your other senses stronger-- that's a lie. a damn lie. when i was blind to knowing how you felt, it made me weak all over-- crushed, uncomfortable, unsure... senseless. it made me lose hope at one point

now i know! Woohoo!

i'll never second guess you again- i know you hate it, i'm sorry-- i love you so much. oh, and by the way, that shit I linked to on my journal (To this page) was somethign I didn't write. It made me cry like I cried when I watched man on the moon. it gave me bad dreams, and I wondered if that's how you felt. now i don't do the wondering anylonger. now i just wait for you to give me everything i want for christmas.

that'd be your heart, but if you can't give it to me, i'll understand... and i'll love you anyway. you know i'm a sucker for you. litterally

love love love


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