To My Cousin's Best Friend
5:40 p.m.

To my cousin's best friend:

I want you, and you already know that because you want me to.

What this letter is for, is to thank you. Thank you for talking to me and being there for me. Thank you for being comfortable enough to be yourself in front of me, and for allowing me the same freedom. Thank you for helping me choose a movie to watch, but not telling me what school to go to. Thank you for not being annoyed the daily phone calls. Thank you for being so comfortable that you can discuss even private things with me. Thank you for listening and understanding my own private things. Thank you for not taking advantage of me when I was vulnerable. Thank you for not ever hurting me. Thank you for waiting to make a move until we were both psychologically ready. Thank you for helping me through the emptiness in myself.

Thank you. For all this, I am head-over-heels for you. I'm yours.

your best friend's cousin

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