12:34 a.m.

if i ever killed myself......

to all my frenz who thought i'd never make it....u know who u are....

u were right......time for u all to pat urselves on the back and tell the whole world "we knew she was crazy".

to all my frenz who told me that i'd make it....u all know who u are....thank u so much for being there for me when i needed u all...thanks so much for being so confident about me..thank u so much

for listening to me......but i guess the others knew better huh?....sorry i let u all down......or maybe u guyz were too chicken to tell me how u actually felt

to my parents who were so proud the day i was born....who thought i'd make it big in life....who thought i would conquer the world...who expected so much from me...and i gave them so little....papa sorry i never played for the wimbeldon,ma i'm sorry i stil aint a great piano player....i am sorry i never practised,i am so sorry that i made every minute of ur lives so miserable...i am sorry that during my last few days i went to the psychitarist and blamed u guyz for all my problems....

to all the ppl who i thought were my frenz.....hey congratulations u guyz just won...u know who u are....u know u are more mature than me,u know u can go make out with the one guy i really cared about,u can cry ur fuckall crocodile tears and tell the whole world how immature i was and most importantly u can tell them that u always thought i'd do sumthing drastic and crazy.....

to my one cozin i really cared about......i'm sorry i've been so immature all my life........no matter how different we are....no matter what u think of me.....i will always love u....

to my aunts and uncles(moms side only)....i am sorry again....all though sum of u thought that being religious would have done me sum good......maybe i wouldnt have killed myself.....i would have just run off to the himalayas

to my dog.....i love u more than any human in the world...u have given me the kinda happiness that noone has ever given me.....unconditional love........

to all my school teachers....thanks for all teh support.....i genuinely miss u guyz....u gave me a tremendous amonut of support....and i'm sorry i have dissapointed u....to mrs baig and mrs jayshree sampath.....no teacher means more to me than teh two of u.....u made me love everything i did.....my love for maths....my love to be the best....u brought out the best in me.....i owe a lot to u...

to all my teachers in college.....there was only one lady who thought i had potential in my department....thank u so much in believing in me...

there have been a lotta times when u actually kept me going.....i bet u never knew this but the lil things u did for me in teh department made a big diiference in my life

to the one lady in my enggr career who is responsible in ruining my existence in college.......u know who u are....teh one who told me how useless i was.......i hope ur happy that inferior beings like me shall no longer be working under such superior souls as urself.......

to all those ppl who called me ugly,busty,big butted,etc,etc...hey i'm dead......u have just helped cleanse the world of an ugly creature.....

thanks for hurting me over and over again with ur o so funny jokes.....

think before u hurt another human being.....

for all those responsible for "return unopened"....time to pat urselves....u were right!!!!!!

for all those wishing to pee on my tombstone....i am being cremated.....too bad huh?

to all the ppl who betrayed me........fuck u!!!!!!!!

to the one guy who said....i wasnt hot and i was irritating.....who cares!!!!!.....i am dead........and i hope u die a sad death too pal......think before u talk.....and hey thanks a billion for blocking me......i still hate u.......

to all my crushes who never meant a thing to me...thanks for just being born.....

and to this person who let me post my letter on line,,,,,thank u so much.....

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