this sounds like a Hallmark greeting card.
1:40 p.m.

Dear Little Sister:

Sometimes love is not an active emotion. It lies dormant and quiet and never makes a sound...until one day spring comes and the sun makes it wake up.

That's when you truly realize how much love you are capable of.

I wouldn't fret about your abilities to love. I wouldn't worry about the amount of love you contain. I know how much love is in you because I know that a person's heart can't be measured by how much they love...but by how much they are loved by others.

And, oh, how you are loved.

Don't ever forget that, and don't ever be afraid that you are less than what you should be. If I have learned anything from my misadventures it is this:

You should never want to me more than what you are just to please others...even if those "others" are people that you truly love. Because they would never expect too much from you if they truly loved you back.

And that's my Yoda moment for the week.


Big Sister

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