rock star
7:34 p.m.

my darling // <3

we were laying so close together. you said, "i can feel your heartbeat." remember? could you tell my heart was beating for you? i tried to match my breathing to yours.

i was so foolish.

i feel like i wasted so many emotions and so much love on a boy who threw it all away so easily. god, i adored you.

way back when everything was platonic, we used to have those long talks about being lonely. you told me all you wanted was a girl to love you. then we had each other, and i thought i was that girl. you told me i was that girl. i believed you, but i see now i shouldn*t have. how was i supposed to know you were going to break my heart?

maybe you were just meant to be my summer romance. but i felt, and i still feel like you were meant to be so much more. i want you to be more to me. please let me be more to you too.

everytime i hear "photobooth" i think of you.

<3 your gorgeous

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