Dearest Twin Sister
11:45 p.m.

Dearest Sister...

Why do you get so pissed off at me because I have a job to do? If you were so worried about where I was, why didn't you come into the store and see if I was there instead of sitting in your car fuming at me and then yell at my COWORKER on the phone that I should have been off work a half hour ago? I'm required to work nights, well past the time the bus home stops running. Sometimes, not often, I'm required to stay later than I am scheduled because of discrepencies in the computer journal and the cash on hand. We have to find where the mistake was. I would say I'm sorry but I wouldn't mean it. I have a job to do. I'm not even sorry that it inconvenienced you from your television for half an hour. Want to know why? Because you are a selfish brat like me. At least I KNOW I'm selfish. But that's not what this letter is about. The point is, if you cared about my whereabouts at all, you wouldn't yell at my coworker before I got on the phone. You would have come in and see if I was still there. When we have problems at the store where we are $150 short in cash, I don't have time to come out and tell you that I will be a while longer. So take that stick out of your ass and be considerate once in a while!!

--The Good Twin

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